Dr. Zhao Li
Email: lizhao.lz@alibaba-inc.com (lzjoey@gmail.com)
We are hiring research scientists and engineers at Alibaba Group, working on building reliable, trustable, and sustainable AI.
Zhao Li is currently the director of Web Data Mining Lab at Alibaba-Zhejiang University Joint Institute of Frontier Technologies, and the chief scientist at Alibaba AI Governance Lab (AAIG), specializing in adversarial intelligence of E-commerce ranking and recommendation systems. He previously worked at TCL Research America as a chief data scientist on recommendation systems. He is also a visiting professor at Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics. He received a fellowship from NSF EPSCoR and completed a Ph.D. with graduate award in Computer Science Department from University of Vermont, under the supervision of Prof. Xindong Wu. Prior to that, he obtained his M.S. from South China University of Technology, sponsored by CSC (China Scholarship Council). His current research interests include Graph Computing, Analyzing, Learning, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, and AI governance. He is a senior member of CCF and technical committee member on database. He won the CIKM Analyticup Champion in 2019.
李朝08年研究生毕业于华南理工大学并被国家留学基金委公派美国, 12年获得美国佛蒙特大学⼈工智能专业博⼠学位和优秀博⼠论⽂奖, 现任阿里巴巴-浙江大学前沿技术研究中心互联网数据挖掘实验室主任, 阿里巴巴人工智能治理和可持续发展实验室首席科学家, 之前担任TCL美国研究院首席数据科学家. 浙江省领军人才. 中国计算机学会杭州分部副主席, 中国计算机协会高级会员, 数据库专委会委员, 之江实验室特聘专家,浙江财经大学特聘教授,浙江省⼈⼯智能协会理事,担任IET智慧城市学科主编,多个国际会议程序委员会委员和研讨会主席, 发表了包括TOIS, TKDE, KDD, SIGMOD, VLDB, WWW, AAAI, NeurIPS在内国际顶级学术论⽂100余篇和专利8篇。主要研究基于大规模图计算和强化学习的智能搜索和推荐决策系统。参与了首个超大规模高性能图计算平台graphscope的开源建设, 发布了全球首个电商商标数据集, 全球首个基于推荐系统的流量攻击数据集, 联合北京智源人工智能研究院发起了中国首个"人工智能产业担当宣言". 曾获CCF科技进步奖杰出奖, CIKM 2019大数据挑战赛冠军, WWW 2021 物联网研讨会最佳论文奖, IJCAI 2021 Video Competition Award.
Selected Publications:
Journal Papers:
[TOIS 2021] eFraudCom: An E-commerce Fraud Detection System via Competitive Graph Neural Networks. ACM Transactions on Information Systems. Ge Zhang, Zhao Li(Corresponding author), Jiaming Huang, Jia Wu, Chuan Zhou, Jian Yang.
[TKDE 2021] Hierarchical Multi-View Graph Pooling with Structure Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Z Zhang, J Bu, M Ester, J Zhang, Z Li (Corresponding author), C Yao, D Huifen, Z Yu, C Wang.
[VLDBJ 2021] eRiskCom: An e-commerce risky community detection platform. The International Journal on Very Large Databases. Fanzhen Liu, Zhao Li(Corresponding author), Baokun Wang, Jia Wu, Jian Yang, Jiaming Huang, Yiqing Zhang, Weiqiang Wang, Surya Nepal, Quanzheng Sheng
[TPAMI] Are Graph Convolutional Networks with Random Weights Feasible? (Corresponding author, Second review)
[TKDE] SAGES: Scalable Attributed Graph Embedding with Sampling for Unsupervised Learning. (Corresponding author, Second review)
[TKDE] GraphNAS++: Distributed Architecture Search for Graph Neural Networks. (Corresponding author, Second review)
[TKDE] Adaptive Label Propagation for Group Anomaly Detection in Large-scale Networks. (First author, Second review)
[TNNLS 2021] Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks via Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Y Liu, Z Li(Co-first author), S Pan, C Gong, C Zhou, G Karypis.
[TNNLS 2021] Online Active Learning for Drifting Data Streams. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. S Liu, S Xue, J Wu, C Zhou, J Yang, Z Li, J Cao.
[TKDD 2021] Constrained Dual-level Bandit for Personalized Impression Regulation in Online Ranking Systems. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. Zhao Li(First author), Junshuai Song, Zehong Hu, Zhen Wang, Jun Gao.
[TKDD 2021] Graph-based Stock Recommendation by Time-aware Relational Attention Network. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. JIANLIANG GAO,XIAOTING YING, CONG XU, JIANXIN WANG, SHICHAO ZHANG, ZHAO LI.(Corresponding author)
[KBS 2021] HANP-Miner:High Average Utility Non-overlapping Sequential Pattern Mining. Knowledge based Systems. Youxi Wu, Meng Gang, Yan Li, Lei Goo, Zhao Li, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Xingquan Zhu, Xindong Wu
[FGCS 2021] Large-scale online multi-view graph neural network and applications. Future Generation Computer Systems. Z Li(First author) , Y Xing, J Huang, H Wang, J Gao, G Yu.
[TCBB 2021] Predicting the Survival of Cancer Patients with Multimodal Graph Neural Network. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. J Gao, T Lyu, F Xiong, J Wang, W Ke, Z Li.
[TIST 2021] TARA-Net: A Fusion Network for Detecting Takeaway Rider Accidents. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. Yifan He, Zhao Li(Corresponding author), Lei Fu, Anhui Wang, Peng Zhang, Shuigeng Zhou, Ji Zhang, Ting Yu.
[WWWJ 2021] Cyclic label propagation for graph semi-supervised learning. World Wide Web. Z Li(First author), Y Liu, Z Zhang, S Pan, J Gao, J Bu.
[Neural Networks 2021] TigeCMN: On exploration of temporal interaction graph embedding via Coupled Memory Neural Networks. Neural Networks. Z Zhang, J Bu, Z Li(Corresponding author), C Yao, C Wang, J Wu.
[Neurocomputing 2021] A Subgraph-based Knowledge Reasoning Method for Collective Fraud Detection in E-commerce. Neurocomputing. J Song, X Qu, Z Hu, Z Li(Corresponding author), J Gao, J Zhang.
[Neurocomputing 2021] QIRM: A quantum interactive retrieval model for session search. Neurocomputing. P Wang, Y Hou, Z Li(Corresponding author), Y Zhang
[Neurocomputing 2021] Towards Embedding Information Diffusion Data for Understanding Big Dynamic Networks. Qingfeng Tan, Hong Yang, Peng Zhang, Haishuai Wang, Chuan Zhou, Zhao Li(Corresponding author), Li Gao.
[TMIS 2021] OWSP-Miner: Self-adaptive one-off weak-gap strong pattern mining. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems. Youxi Wu, Xiaohui Wang, Yan Li, Lei Guo, Zhao Li(Corresponding author), Ji Zhang, Xindong Wu.
[TKDE 2020] CMAL: Cost-effective multi-label active learning by querying subexamples. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. G Yu, X Chen, C Domeniconi, J Wang, Z Li, Z Zhang, X Zhang
[DMKD 2017] Hierarchical evolving Dirichlet processes for modeling nonlinear evolutionary traces in temporal data. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. P Wang, P Zhang, C Zhou, Z Li, H Yang.
Conference Papers:
[KDD 2021] H2MN: Graph Similarity Learning with Hierarchical Hypergraph Matching Networks. Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Zhen Zhang , Jiajun Bu , Martin Ester , Zhao Li , Chengwei Yao , Zhi Yu , Can Wang.
[KDD 2021] Live-Streaming Fraud Detection: A Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network Approach. Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Zhao Li(First author),, Haishuai Wang, Peng Zhang, Pengrui Hui, Jiaming Huang, Jian Liao, Ji Zhang, Jiajun Bu.
[SIGMOD 2021] GPU-Accelerated Graph Label Propagation for Real-Time Fraud Detection. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data. C Ye, Y Li, B He, Z Li(Corresponding author), J Sun.
[VLDB 2021] CS-GNN: lightweight interactive community search via graph neural network. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. J Gao, J Chen, Z Li, J Zhang
[VLDB 2021] GraphScope: A Unified Engine For Big Graph Processing. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. J Gao. Longbin Lai, Xue Li, Yong Li, Zhao Li, Zhengping Qian, Chao Tian, Lei Wang, Jingbo Xu, Youyang Yao, Qiang Yin, Wenyuan Yu, Kai Zeng, Kun Zhao, Jingren Zhou, Diwen Zhu, and Rong Zhu.
[VLDB 2021] GraphScope: A One-Stop Large Graph Processing System. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. Jingbo Xu ,Zhanning Bai , Wenfei Fan, Longbin Lai ,Xue Li , Zhao Li , Zhengping Qian, Lei Wang, Yanyan Wang , Wenyuan Yu, Jingren Zhou.
[ICDE 2021] Towards Efficient Motif-based Graph Partitioning: An Adaptive Sampling Approach. IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering. S Huang, Y Li, Z Bao, Z Li.
[ICDE 2021] ATNN: Adversarial Two-Tower Neural Network for New Item’s Popularity Prediction in E-commerce. IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering. S Xin, Z Li(Co-first author), P Zou, C Long, J Zhang, J Bu, J Zhou.
[ICDE 2021] Large-scale Fake Click Detection for E-commerce Recommendation Systems. IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering. J Li, Z Li(Co-first author), J Huang, J Zhang, X Wang, X Lu, J Zhou.
[ICDE 2021] Turbo: Fraud Detection in Deposit-free Leasing Service via Real-Time Behavior Network Mining. IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering. JS Hu, X Zhang, J Zhou, S Ji, J Yuan, Z Li, Z Wang, Q Chen, Q He, L Fang.
[WWW 2021] ATJ-Net: Auto-Table-Join Network for Automatic Learning on Relational Databases. Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021. Bai, J Wang, Z Li, D Ding, J Zhang, J Gao.
[WWW 2021] What Happens Behind the Scene? Towards Fraud Community Detection in E-Commerce from Online to Offline. Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021. Z Li(First author), P Hui, P Zhang, J Huang, B Wang, L Tian, J Zhang, J Gao, X Tang (Best workshop paper)
[SIGIR 2021] GraphPAS: Parallel Architecture Search for Graph Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. J Chen, J Gao, Y Chen, MB Oloulade, T Lyu, Z Li.
[CIKM 2021] From Community Search to Community Understanding: A Multimodal Community Query Engine. Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. Zhao Li(First author), Pengcheng Zou, Xia Chen, Shichang Hu, Peng Zhang, Yumou Zhang, Bingsheng He, Yuchen Li and Xing Tang.
[CIKM 2021] Fulfillment-Time-Aware Personalized Ranking for On-Demand Food Recommendation. Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. Haishuai Wang, Zhao Li(Co-first author), Xuanwu Liu, Donghui Ding, Zehong Hu, Peng Zhang, Chuan Zhou and Jiajun Bu.
[CIKM 2021] DAMA-Net: A Novel Predictive Model for IrregularlyAsynchronously and Sparsely Sampled Multivariate Time Series. Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. Zhen Wang, Yang Zhang, Ai Jiang, Ji Zhang, Zhao Li, Jun Gao, Ke Li and Chenhao Lu.
[ICDM 2021] Disentangled Deep Multivariate Hawkes Process for Learning Event Sequences. Xixun Lin, Jiangxia Cao, Peng Zhang, Chuan Zhou, Zhao Li, Jia Wu, and Bin Wang.
[ICDM 2021] AdaBoosting Clusters on Graph Neural Networks. Li Zheng, Jun Gao, Zhao Li(Corresponding author), and Ji Zhang
[ICDM 2021] Heterogeneous Graph Neural Architecture Search. Yang Gao, Peng Zhang, Zhao Li, Chuan Zhou, Hong Yang, Yongchao Liu, and Yue Hu
[AAAI 2020] Multi-Question Learning for Visual Question Answering, Chenyi Lei, Lei Wu, Dong Liu, Zhao Li , Guoxin Wang, Haihong Tang, Houqiang Li
[IJCAI 2020] Collaboration Based Multi-Label Propagation for Fraud Detection, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization. Haobo Wang, Zhao Li, Jiaming Huang, Pengrui Hui, Weiwei Liu , Tianlei Hu, Gang Chen.
[SIGIR 2020] MGNN: A Multimodal Graph Neural Network for Predicting the Survival of Cancer Patients, Jianliang Gao, Tengfei Lyu, Fan Xiong, Jianxin Wang and Zhao Li
[WWW 2020] Learning Temporal Interaction Graph Embedding via Coupled Memory Networks, Zhen Zhang, Jiajun Bu, Martin Ester, Jianfeng Zhang, Chengwei Yao, Zhao Li and Can Wang
[ICDE 2020] PoisonRec: An Adaptive Data Poisoning Framework for Attacking Black-box Recommender Systems. Junshuai Song, Zhao Li(Corresponding author), Zehong Hu, Jun Gao
[ICDE 2020] Hierarchical Bipartite Graph Neural Networks: Towards Large-Scale E-commerce Applications, Zhao Li(First author), Xin Sheng, Yuhang Jiao, Xuming Pan, Pengchen Zou, Xianling Meng, Chenwei Yao, Jiajun Bu
[ICDE 2020] De-Health: All Your Online Health Information Are Belong to Us. Shouling Ji, Qinchen Gu, Haiqin Weng, Qianjun Liu, Pan Zhou, Jing Chen, Zhao Li, Raheem Beyah, Ting Wang
[CIKM 2020] Time-aware Graph Relational Attention Network for Stock Recommendation. Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. X Ying, C Xu, J Gao, J Wang, Z Li
[CIKM 2020] Multi-channel sellers traffic allocation in large-scale e-commerce promotion. Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. S Xin, Y Ye, M Ester, C Long, J Zhang, Z Li, K Yuan, Y Li.
[CIKM 2020] Category-aware Graph Neural Networks for Improving E-commerce Review Helpfulness Prediction. Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. X Qu, Z Li, J Wang, Z Zhang, P Zou, J Jiang, J Huang, R Xiao, J Zhang
[VLDB 2019] SHOAL: Large-scale Hierarchical Taxonomy via Graph-based Query Coalition in E-commerce. Zhao Li (First author), Xia Chen, Xuming Pan, Pengcheng Zou, Yuchen Li, Guoxian Yu
[IJCAI 2019] AddGraph: Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graph using Attention-based Temporal GCN. Li Zheng, Zhenpeng Li , Jian Li , Zhao Li , Jun Gao
[IJCAI 2019] ActiveHNE: Active Heterogeneous Network Embedding. Xia Chen , Guoxian Yu , Jun Wang , Carlotta Domeniconi , Zhao Li , Xiangliang Zhang
[WWW 2019] Securing the Deep Fraud Detector in Large-Scale E-Commerce Platform via Adversarial Machine Learning Approach. Q Guo, Z Li, B An, P Hui, J Huang, L Zhang, M Zhao.
[WWW 2019] Personalized Bundle List Recommendation. J Bai, Z Li, J Gao.
[WWW 2019] TiSSA: A Time Slice Self-Attention Approach for Modeling Sequential User Behaviors. C. Lei, Z Li, S Ji.
[ICDE 2019] FAIR: Fraud Aware Impression Regulation System in Large-scale Real-time E-Commerce Search Platform. Z Li(First author), J Song, S Hu, S Ruan, L Zhang, Z Hu, J Gao.
[ICDE 2019] CATS: Cross-Platform E-commerce Fraud Detection. H Weng, S Ji, F Duan, Z Li, J Chen, Q He, T Wang.
[AAAI 2019] General Robustness Evaluation of Incentive Mechanism Against Bounded Rationality Using Continuum-Armed Bandits. Z Hu, J Zhang, Z Li.
[AAAI 2019] Deep Cascade Multi-task Learning for Slot Filling in Online Shopping Assistant. Y Gong , X Luo, Y Zhu, W Ou, Z Li, M Zhu, K Zhu, L Duan, X Chen.
[AAMAS 2019] Fraud Regulating Policy for E-Commerce via Constrained Contextual Bandits. Z Hu, Z Wang, Z Li(corresponding author), S Hu, S Ruan, J Zhang.
[ICDM 2019] Cross-modal Zero-shot Hashing . Xuanwu Liu, Zhao Li, Jun Wang, Guoxian Yu, Carlotta Domeniconi, and Xiangliang Zhang
[CIKM 2019] Multi-task based Sales Predictions for Online Promotions. Shen Xin, Martin Ester, Jiajun Bu, Chengwei Yao, Zhao Li, Xun Zhou, Yizhou Ye and Can Wang
[CIKM 2019] QPIN: A Quantum-inspired Preference Interactive Network for E-commerce Recommendation. Panpan Wang, Zhao Li, Yazhou Zhang, Yuexian Hou and Liangzhu Ge
[NIPS 2018] Inference Aided Reinforcement Learning for Incentive Mechanism Design in Crowdsourcing. Z Hu, Y Liang, J Zhang, Z Li and Y Liu
[NIPS 2018] Product Title Refinement via Multi-Modal Generative Adversarial Learning, Zhang J, Zou P, Li Z, Wan Y, Liu Y, Pan X, Gong Y, Yu PS
[KDD 2018] Interactive paths embedding for semantic proximity search on heterogeneous graphs. Z Liu, VW Zheng, Z Zhao, Z Li, H Yang, M Wu, J Ying.
[WWW 2018] Detecting Crowdturfing “Add to Favorites” Activities in Online Shopping. N Su, Y Liu, Z Li, Y Liu, M Zhang, S Ma
[ICDE 2018] Online e-commerce fraud: a large-scale detection and analysis. H Weng, Z Li(corresponding author), S Ji, C Chu, H Lu, T Du, Q He
[IJCAI 2018] Impression Allocation for Combating Fraud in E-commerce Via Deep Reinforcement Learning with Action Norm Penalty. M Zhao, Z Li, B An, H Lu, Y Yang, C Chu
[ICDM 2018] Cost Effective Multi-label Active Learning via Querying Subexamples. X Chen, G Yu, C Domeniconi, J Wang, Z Li, and Z Zhang.
[ICDM 2018] Feature-induced Partial Multi-label Learning. G Yu, X Chen, C Domeniconi. J Wang, Z Li, Z Zhang, X Wu.
[ICDM 2018] Layerwise Perturbation-Based Adversarial Training for Hard Drive Health Degree Prediction. J Zhang, J Wang, L He, Z Li, PS Yu.
[CIKM 2018] Deep Graph Embedding for Ranking Optimization in E-Commerce. C Chu, Z Li(co-frist author), B Xin, F Peng, C Liu, R Rohs, Q Luo, J Zhou.
[CIKM 2015] Modeling infinite topics on social behavior data with spatio-temporal dependence. P Wang, P Zhang, C Zhou, Z Li, G Li
[CIKM 2015] Fraud Transaction Recognition: A Money Flow Network Approach. R Mao, Z Li(corresponding author), J Fu
[ICDM 2013] Group feature selection with streaming features. H Li, X Wu, Z Li, W Ding.
[AAAI 2013] Online Group Feature Selection from Feature Streams. HG Li, X Wu, Z Li, W Ding.
[AAAI 2010] A Phrase-Based Method for Hierarchical Clustering of Web Snippets. Z Li(first author), X Wu
Co-organizers, Security AI Challenger, ACM MM2021
Program Committee, CVPR 2021
Program Committee and Session Chair, DIKW 2021
Program Committee and Panel Chair, IEEE Services 2021
Guest Editor, IET Smart Cities. 2020
Program Committee, AAAI 2019,2020
Program Committee, AAMAS 2019,2020
Program Committee and Panel Chair, IEEE SERVICES (KGAAS) 2019,2020,2021
Co-chair, International Workshop on Large Scale Graph Representation Learning and Applications (GRLA), in conjunction with IEEE ICDM 2018.
Program Committee, SIGIR eCom, 2017.
Program Committee, CIKM, 2016.
Program Committee, ICME, 2017,2016,2015,2014.
2019 CIKM Analyticup First Price.
2020 CCF Outstanding Prize for Progress in Science and Technology
2021 IJCAI Video Competition Third Price.